Friday, July 30, 2010

Odd Things

So I've been extremely stressed last few days.

Something odd happened today. While I was sitting on my couch having a nervous breakdown and crying my eyes out, someone brushed my hair back and patted my shoulder. No one was there.

That was the first thing. The second thing was that I found a necklace.

I have a tendency to wear the same jewelry over and over. I love jewelry and I have a quite a collection, but it seems I only wear a few pieces.

Sitting on my desk was a gold chain. Fine, delicate, something that I'd break in an hour if I ever wore it. Something I'd reserve for special occasions only. Yet there it was, laid on my desk.

The third thing has me in tears, frightened, and disturbed.

On my pillow was a gold heart. Also delicate. In the bottom there's a small diamond. The heart is just an outline, not solid, and inside the heart outline were the initials: DJL.

My maiden name is Kara Elizabeth Lovell.

My sister who died several years ago? Dana Jasmine Lovell.

She had a necklace that was a gold chain, delicate, with a heart just like that. She died wearing it.

She was buried wearing it.

No one has been here today but me.

Where'd it come from?

Is Dana here?


Arista Holmes said...

Oh jeeze Kara! *huggles* I have to admit that is rather creepy ... but, kind of comforting too maybe? ... I mean ... not to be presumptious, but whatever presence in is your flat it obviously doesn't seem to intend you harm is it's brushing your hair back, and maybe it was trying to help by finding that necklace for you?



Copyright © 2010 DanaKara