Friday, July 23, 2010

Party's On

So, I called my friends and my mom. They all think that it would be an excellent idea. Meet some people, maybe find out about the apartment, hopefully make at least one friend around here.

Melissa and mom both have to work, so they won't be able to make it. The restaurant Melissa works at won't let her off and mom has a prior commitment to the church soup kitchen. But I'm supposed to let them know how it goes.

Jennifer helped me plan. She's going to make up some invites on her computer and bring them over a bit later. We're going to do snacks like finger foods - little desserts, little sandwiches, things like that. Make it more of a brunch thing. We'll have it after church on Sunday, that way people will be able to squeeze it in maybe. She gave me a list of things that I'll need to pick up. I think I'm going to wait until she gets here and make her go to the store with me.

I don't think anyone will show up. People don't really do this kind of thing anymore after all. Even so, I'm feeling really nervous. I'm not going to know what to do or say!



Copyright © 2010 DanaKara