Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nice Day

Was a nice day today.

It rained earlier and I went for a walk. I've been quite productive.

Everything is put away that had been scattered around. Even got almost all the unpacking done.

Starting to pick up some work. Thought I'd visit a few more local places soon and see if I can scrounge anything up.

Not a word from Billy. I got my alimony though.

Nothing else odd has happened either. No weird staring feeling, no trashing the place.

Maybe someone picked the lock, was looking for something, realized they were in the wrong place and left. But how could they have locked the door? Could be someone still has a key.

Landlord came by this morning and changed the locks. So that should take care of anything like that.

I'm learning to cook. Can't live on takeout all the time. It's not going very well.



Copyright © 2010 DanaKara