Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm Disturbed

I keep hearing something really creepy. It started about 11 PM and it's still going.

I keep hearing music from a child's toy. It sounds like it's right on my back porch. There's no toys there. There's no kids there. Just every so often it sounds like someone hitting the button on one of those toys.

No one lives in the apartments on either side. The people in the other one, G7, is an older couple who not only don't have kids, are on vacation with friends. I know because they offered to bring me a souvenir to help make me feel at home. So I'm essentially all alone in this building.

I ignored it the first time, until I realized what time it was. Then I was worried there was some little kid on my back porch that was lost or something. I turned the back light on, looked out, and nothing was there.

So I figured it was from another building, just was carrying funny. But still, seemed odd for someone's child to be out that late at night. But maybe someone's kid wasn't sleeping and the parents had them outside for a breath of fresh air.

Then a little while later I head it again. And again. And again. I checked again and saw nothing. I even went outside and looked around. I walked all the way up to the building next to mine and no one was outside.

I went back inside and as I closed the door and locked it, I heard the music again, coming right from my back porch. I turned on the light and looked out the window again. Nothing there but I could still hear it! I shut the light off, still heard it.

It's still playing off and on. I'm not checking again just to see nothing there!

I actually have a couple of readers and a comment! Wow! Thanks for reading! Don't worry. I'll remind myself that dreams are just that - dreams.



Copyright © 2010 DanaKara