Friday, June 25, 2010

Something Strange

I was reading over my previous entries. Boy, I sound boring! Who's going to read this?!

I said something about how pointless this blog was to Jennifer. She launched into her "it's good therapy" bit again, and told me that "you never know. Someone might find you interesting."

She had another good point - what does it matter? Who cares if someone does or doesn't read my blog? I'm writing it for me. Just me. And if others like it then great if not, whatever.

I have to's comforting. Like my diary when I was kid.

Something odd happened today. I went to the library to see if they had a new Nora Roberts book I've been looking for and one of the older women who work there struck up a conversation with me. We chatted for a while. She asked a lot of questions but wasn't overly pushy. I didn't mind telling her my job, that I was recently divorced, why I was divorced, or anything.

But things got weird when she asked if I had found a place to stay. I told her I was living at Oak Leaf Townhouses. She got this strange look on her face and asked me if I found the rent high. I told her no, not at all. In fact, I was very pleased because it was very very low! Only $300 even a month.

She still looked strange and asked me if I knew how much the townhouses there usually were. I told her no and she informed me: depending on bedrooms, from $575 to $725. Some units were for the disabled and were cheaper, others were cheaper because pets were allowed while some units (like mine) let pets in. And they were all priced accordingly.

This struck me as very strange. Before I could ask her for more information as to why mine was so cheap - I have the feeling she probably knew at least some local gossip about it or maybe she could give me some other info, as she seemed worried about me - someone came up asking for her help and she had to go.

I couldn't find her again before I left.

Monday I think I'll pay a visit to the landlord's office and see if I can get some information out of him. He didn't say anything to me about why the rent was so low. Didn't even hint that the price was unusual.

Makes me a little worried, but mostly, curious.



Copyright © 2010 DanaKara